With sweeping vistas of Lake Washington and the Cascades, it’s easy to understand how Bellevue, which means “beautiful view” in French, earned its name. Of all the cities on the Eastside, Bellevue has seen the most growth in the shortest time—continuing to draw technology, creative and professional service firms to its downtown core.
Answering the demand for commercial business space, Vulcan Real Estate (VRE) is designing more than two million square feet of office and retail development on property it owns in Bellevue. These new projects will not only add dynamic, new elements to the skyline, but also facilitate inclusive community and long-term economic growth for all.

West Main
West Main will provide world-class office space for businesses. Companies can either occupy the entire campus, a full building within the campus, or suites of varying sizes alongside other businesses. There are options for expansive office space on most floors, with bridges that allow for connectivity between buildings on multiple levels.

The design vision for West Main takes a cue from a 1936 aerial showing the site as a dense orchard with a meandering stream. The structure references the “lost” stream and agricultural history while creating a memorable, pedestrian-scaled urban campus. With proximity to Meydenbauer Bay and the Mercer Slough, the project celebrates the ecology of the region, while reflecting the character of its metropolitan surroundings.
West Main’s design references the site’s ecology & history while embracing its urban surroundings
Throughout the project, employees will circulate across pedestrian paths with a central plaza providing a key unifying destination. VRE is exploring sustainability certification, public art, and programming that serves the neighborhood.

Additionally, the site will offer convenient access to the future East Main light rail station (at 112th & Main) and multiple freeways. It is near the Bellevue commercial core, Bellevue Downtown Park, shopping on Bellevue Way, and Old Bellevue’s quaint restaurants and shops. Site work will commence in early 2020 with initial occupancy in the third quarter of 2022 and final occupancy in the fourth quarter of 2022.
555 Tower
Redefining the image of a city is rarely a realistic opportunity, but VRE’s second Bellevue project, 555 Tower, will do just that. At 600 feet, this soaring building will be 150 feet taller than any existing high-rise in Bellevue. Offering stunning views in all directions, the project will feature iconic illuminated spires that make a dramatic impact on the skyline. It will be situated next to the bustling transit center and the future Bellevue Downtown light rail station (on NE 6th between 110th and 112th), conceptually driving a link between city and sky.
555 Tower will stand 150 feet taller than any existing high-rise in Bellevue
Providing 1,000,000 square feet of office space and 27,000 square feet of retail space, the building is shaped by view-laden amenities including multiple terraces and balconies that provide spill-out space and spectacular vistas. These culminate in a top-floor terrace at Level 42. On both sides, a colorful curtainwall is inspired by cascading rainfall.

This property offers companies the opportunity to occupy the entire building, multiple floors, or suites on a single floor. The building’s central location is in the heart of downtown Bellevue’s commercial business district. With a majority of nearby properties focused on 9-to-5 employee activity, 555 Tower embraces active, pedestrian-level spaces. It enhances the corridor by inviting foot traffic up into a new public plaza. Additional amenities within walking distance include retail and restaurants, City Hall, several hotels, Meydenbauer Convention Center, downtown health clinics, and luxury condominiums and apartments.

On-site amenities include flexible space for a potential dog park, public art, or canopy-covered retail. Features within the building include a generous shared public lobby, destination dispatch elevators, and a potential marketplace/common area.
Targeting LEED V4 Silver, 555 Tower will provide bicycle storage, lockers, and shower facilities to encourage bicycle commuting. The project will utilize low-flow fixtures, plant species that don’t require extensive irrigation, and a green roof above the pavilion. In addition to the water-management requirements set forth by LEED, 555 Tower is pursuing Salmon-Safe certification by protecting habitat and water quality during construction.

A highly efficient building exterior, along with efficient heating, cooling, and ventilation systems, ensures that the office tower will reduce energy consumption while providing the highest level of comfort. Wellness principles inform the selection of interior and exterior materials with low off-gassing, further ensuring a healthy work environment.
In addition, the building will boast impressive artwork in the public plaza, along the pedestrian corridor hill-climb, and in the main lobby. Design work for 555 Tower is scheduled to be completed in early 2020 with construction commencing in 2020 and a final occupancy target of mid-2023.